First Person Stapler is coming to Steam

On July 18th! Wishlist it here.

The current game isn't leaving Itch. New updates to the game will also still be uploaded here as well, but they'll come out on the Steam version a month earlier. And to take advantage of the Steam audience boost, I've planned an additional seven extra levels and mini-games.


Now for details. Anyone who paid money for the game on Itch should receive a free key for the game on Steam soon. Watch your emails. There is also a raffle for anyone who wishlists the game and sends me a DM about it here before the 18th, and there are 500 keys being given away in that raffle. So, decent odds you'll get one if you make the effort.

And while I am going to focus on Steam for First Person Stapler from now on, I'm still going to be updating Nuclear Lizard Island Rampage here, as well as releasing any other stupid projects I come up with. If you're interested in seeing any future stupid projects like First Person Stapler or Nuclear Lizard Island Rampage, any support for the launch on Steam will help them come out faster. The more attention it gets, the more funding my dumb ideas get.

Anyway, not to waste any more time. Check out the launch page, enter the raffle, talk to some other people, or go squish some people.

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